
[Academic Exchange] 2018 New Era Public Transport Safety and Development Forum Held in Jilin

2018-06-22 浏览量:1911 分享到:


On June 22, 2018, hosted by China Civil Engineering Society Public Transport Branch, Jilin Province City Public Transport Association, and,undertaken by Jilin City Public Transport Group Co., Ltd, the “New Era Public Transport Safety and Development Forum”was held in Jilin City, Jilin Province.


Deputy Secretary-General of the Urban Public Transport Branch of the China Civil Engineering Society Yuan Jianguang, Chairman of the Jilin City Public Transport Group Co., Ltd. Chen Xiaowei, Deputy Director of the Automotive Standardization Institute of the China Automotive Technology and Research Center, Sun Zhipeng,Senior Engineer Xiong Yanwu of the Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, NPC Deputy and Model worker Liu Liyan and other leaders and experts attended the forum. The forum invited more than 10 experts and industry professionals from the traffic management departments, research institutes and enterprises to discuss the hotspots and difficulties of road traffic safety in China, and jointly explore the road traffic safety development in China.


WINNER published a report entitled "Introduction to the Application of Smart Bus Passenger Flow Integration System" in the forum, deeply analyzing and discussing of the development path of China's smart public transport in the new era. Practically enhancing the active risk prevention and control and improving safety and assisted driving ability is of great significance to promote the construction of intelligent and safety information integration system, improve citizens' traffic safety behavior habits and increase the traffic safety level in China.


The forum has a strong academic atmosphere and a lively scene. From the solution of practical problems, the experts put forward new ideas and methods for the road of the development of the new era of intelligent traffic safety, and promote our country's road traffic safety with the times and rapid development, and help our country to rapidly move from a big traffic country to a powerful traffic power.


▲ 中国土木工程学会城市公共交通分会 袁建光 副秘书长为论坛开幕致辞


▲ 吉林市城市公共交通集团有限公司 陈晓伟 董事长致欢迎词


▲上海纳儿电子科技有限公司 董鑫 市场部总监发言


 Winner has made a profound and comprehensive elaboration on the passenger flow application of smart public transportation, and proposed to integrate passenger flow system solutions and big data application analysis to create harmonious road traffic safety, and use intelligent information system to realize scientific and technological informationization and public transportation management.


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